Tribute Wall
La famille de Guy Tremblay a téléchargé une photo
vendredi, le 15 septembre 2023

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Sylvie Tremblay a affiché un hommage
lundi, le 31 juillet 2023
Dear Mr. Braiter, it's wonderful to hear the story. That's very deep coming from you. Thank you for your kind words and for your support.
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Sylvie Tremblay a affiché un hommage
lundi, le 31 juillet 2023
Thank you so much for your support during this difficult time. We appreciate you xo
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Sylvie Tremblay a affiché un hommage
lundi, le 31 juillet 2023
That is very touching to hear. That my dad had such a great impact on the people he worked with. Makes me happy to hear this. Be blessed my friend! Thanks
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Jen McMurtry a affiché un hommage
lundi, le 31 juillet 2023
To Claude and family - my deepest sympathies to you. While I never had the opportunity to work with Guy, he left a truly remarkable legacy at HRDC. For years after he retired, he was known as the financial guru of the department, and I heard many times and from many people over the years about what a kind and fair person Guy was. Everyone loved working with him. I am so very sorry for your loss.
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Brad Veitch a affiché un hommage
dimanche, le 30 juillet 2023
To the Tremblay Family,
Our heartfelt sympathies in these difficult days.
Dan and Pat Veitch, Brad, Ellen and Alix Veitch
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Diana Whelan a affiché un hommage
samedi, le 29 juillet 2023
I worked with Mr. Tremblay for 19 years, he was a good boss. It was never a good thing to ask too many questions on Monday morning and he was always an early bird. He had a 7 minute code for smoke, 15 minute code for a haircut, but he made it back for 1:30 and always tried to leave by 4:30. It was a good working experience. My sincere sympathy to Colette and his daughters which I had the pleasure to meet. RIP my friend.
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Hy Braiter a affiché un hommage
samedi, le 29 juillet 2023
Dear Tremblay family,
It is with great sadness that I heard of Guys passing.Guy reported to me for many years at HRDC. I owe much of my success to Guy's financial genius. Guy used numbers like an orchestra director uses musicians. I once asked Guy to teach me about financial management. Guy said it's simple? Just don't overspend. That was on my first day as ADM.
I never forgot that advice.
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Sylvie Tremblay a affiché un hommage
samedi, le 29 juillet 2023
Aww that is too sweet and heartfelt. Thanks Claude for being in his life as much as you have. I'm sure it brought him much happiness to be around you and he was so proud of you for all your accomplishments. Be well mononcle xox
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Bill McKenny a affiché un hommage
samedi, le 29 juillet 2023
My sympathy to the family and close friends for their loss. A memory that needs to be shared and maybe then forgotten…
It was the summer of ‘73…. the Bachelor3 Astorville chicken ranch operation was started. An accountant, draftsman and engineer from the DuPont explosives plant rented a farm house conveniently located just south of the work and more importantly just east of the Astorville Hotel overlooking Lake Nosbonsing. Sometime that summer likely late one Friday night between pitchers and over a shuffle board game the plan was err hatched. We were soon into production with demand for free range farm fresh eggs exceeding supply…..thoughts of ramping up were short lived ….within a few months our chickens stopped laying and by early fall we gave what was left of our flock to the farmer across the road!!
The farm & house we were renting was sold that fall and we each moved on …Les, if alive still lives near North Bay on Trout lake; I remained in the explosives business until retirement and lost touch with Guy when I left North Bay.
Lots of fun times! Rest in peace ‘tit Guy!
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Claude Tremblay a affiché un hommage
vendredi, le 28 juillet 2023
I will forever remember my brother Guy as a kind, affable person that loved to laugh. Although I was not fortunate to grow-up with Guy given our 16 year age difference, I got the opportunity to get to know my older brother better when I moved to Ottawa in 1986 to attend University. Since this time, we shared many great moments, whether on the golf course, attending hockey games or visiting at his home in Embrun. Family played an important role in Guy's life and we shared many laughs over the years. Following my retirement in 2016, I was afforded the opportunity to join Guy and the boys on the golf course for senior Mondays. Guy quickly became my best ball partner and I looked forward to seeing him on a weekly basis. I will miss our gatherings but will forever cherish the time we spent together. I viewed Guy not only as a brother, but as a friend. R.I.P. my friend.
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Sylvie a affiché un hommage
jeudi, le 27 juillet 2023
Hi Mike, I loved hearing about your story and how you worked with him. I was just saying how I knew that his staff must have loved him. It's good to know these things. I happy you had a great experience and I'm sure it was the same the other way around. -Sylvie
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Sylvie a affiché un hommage
jeudi, le 27 juillet 2023
Hi Sandi, makes me so glad to know that he had such a great impact on the people that worked with him. I wish I had more of an insight on these things but already knowing the man he was I knew that he must have been a great boss. -Sylvie
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Sylvie a affiché un hommage
jeudi, le 27 juillet 2023
Merci Louise. C'est bien d'entendre des belles choses dites de mon père. Je le connaissais pas trop dans le monde d'affaires mais je le connaissais personnellement et j'aime voir qu'il a eu é grand impacts sur plusieurs. Sylvie
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Sylvie a affiché un hommage
jeudi, le 27 juillet 2023
Thank you Tom. I know you were a dear friends of his. Thanks for being in his life and making him happy. I'm sure it will be hard to adjust to this. Be well Tom and Milena xo
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Michele Lajeunesse a affiché un hommage
jeudi, le 27 juillet 2023
Collette, Claude, Jacques and family - I am so very sorry for your loss. Guy was such a kind-hearted man with a welcoming smile. My thoughts are with you and your families during this very difficult time.
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Sylvie Tremblay a affiché un hommage
jeudi, le 27 juillet 2023
My father was a kind and generous person. He always made a good impression with everyone he met. He dedicated his life to his career and his family and retired early so that he could make the most of his family time. I will remember and cherish many fond memories and activities I did with him. he had a heart of gold and I was always able to relate to him and vice versa. I will miss him forever and a day and I wish I could've had him much longer. I love you dad
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Abebe Family a affiché un hommage
jeudi, le 27 juillet 2023
Dear Collete and family We are deeply sorry for the loss of dear friend and inlaw Guy. He was a very lovely soft spoken who loved his grand children dearly. We will miss his conversation , and smile our deepest condolences to the family
Abebe family
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Sandi Wright a affiché un hommage
mercredi, le 26 juillet 2023
I was devastated to learn of the loss of such a great man. He was my boss, my mentor and, best of all, my friend. Dear Collette and family, please accept my sincere condolences. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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Mike Saucier a affiché un hommage
mercredi, le 26 juillet 2023
For many years I worked closely with Guy. He was my boss and mentor and provided me with the opportunity to expand my career outside the finance community. After some eight years working in programs, I returned to finance with the immense challenge of following in Guy's footsteps upon his retirement. Guy worked hard but also found the time to enjoy life and he always made a point of reminding his staff and colleagues to strive at finding that perfect balance.
It has been several years since I retired and unfortunately loss touch with Guy, however I will never forget the man from whom I learned so much.
Rest in Peace my dear friend.
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Tom Dubroy a affiché un hommage
mercredi, le 26 juillet 2023
Dearest Collette and all of the Tremblay family. We are so sad for your loss. We will miss Guy so much but we have many great memories of us cottaging together, fishing trips and the boys Friday lunches. Again, our hearts go out to you and the family. Milena and Tom
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Louise Malette a affiché un hommage
mercredi, le 26 juillet 2023
Mes plus sincères condoléances Colette, Fabia, Sylvie et toute la famille. Guy a été un patron superbe. Durant les 17 années que j'ai travaillées directement avec lui, il a toujours été juste et respectueux avec tous. Je garderai le souvenir d'un homme vraiment sympathique.
Louise Malette
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Jessica Hotte a affiché un hommage
mercredi, le 26 juillet 2023
Colette, Fabia, Sylvie, and all the family and friends of Guy, please accept my deepest sympathies. I will always cherish the great, fun, happy times at all the corn roasts, all the parties. Guy always enjoyed entertaining and seeing everyone having a good time.
His beautiful smile with always stick in my mind.
You all hold a special place in my heart and I am sending you lots of love during this difficult time.
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